Access Consciousness

"La polarità è il modo in cuila realtà  è fatta per la maggior parte degli uomini. Loro decidono cosa è giusto e cercano di imporlo. Poi decidono cosa è sbagliato e cercano di eliminarlo. Come sarebbe se tu potessi abbracciare tutto?"    by Dr. Dain Heer ♥

Se stai avendo alti e bassi, continua a fare Access. Quando finalmente avrai la consapevolezza che i "bassi" non ti appartengono, avrai finalmente Access (accesso). Una volta finito con i bassi, nessuna delle leggi, ti accorgerai che nessuna delle schifezze della tua vita ti appartengono by Gary Douglas ♥

"When you change, your vibration changes as well. The intensity of living gets greater. It is new for you. It is the unknown.
 In an effort to get away from that intensity, you may start eating too much. Or you will call your mother, or get another relationship, or go and have sex with somebody... or whatever it is for you that you hide behind - or amuse yourself with - to avoid the intensity you are becoming.
 You have to be willing to have the intensity if you are going to have the change for which you are asking."   by Dr. Dain Heer ♥

If it is light for you -- go there. If it doesn't contract you or make you smaller or require you to cut off parts of yourself -- go there! If it expands you and gives you a sense of possibility and space -- go there! You are the one creating your life! What if you, being you, are light? by Dr. Dain Heer ♥

Most of you don’t believe that you can get what you really want. When something doesn’t come in the time sequence you have set for it, then you assume it’s not coming. 

The hardest part is that you have to learn to wait until it shows up. You are asking the universe to rearrange itself totally. Then when it doesn’t do it in 30 seconds, you think it’s not happening. That keeps it from happening because you have already decided it’s not happening. The universe assumes you don’t want it now.

What do you want? You are confusing the universe. You are asking for something entirely different than what everybody else around you is trying to create. So you are going to have to wait so the universe can adjust some things, so it starts to show up.

If you will wait for it to show up, and as it shows up, go: “Wow! How does it get any better than this?” instead of, “What took so long?” Or “Why didn’t it show up the way I wanted it to?” What if, if you had no point of view, it would show up better that you would create it?

The problem is, you have decided how you want it to be, and then when it doesn’t show up exactly that way, you decide you are not getting what you wanted. It may be showing up better than you can request.

You only have a limited point of view. The universe has an unlimited point of view.   
by Dr. Dain Heer ♥

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